From Home.

Hello. It's me again.

I know this might come as a surprise but I did tell you that I'd be in touch. Did you think i was lying? You should know by now that sooner or later i always keep my word, besides, I'm much too used to being reminded of you every once in a while.

Like I told you almost half a year ago, I'm far away now. It's strange how that sounds like I'm dead but I'm not. I'm physically far away, farther than I've ever walked before yet in a place so very familiar to me. It's getting even more familiar day by day.

We're up north, at far north as we're allowed to go. It's a very peculiar place, you know, because one half of the year it's chillingly cold, almost unbearable; and the other half, well, you can barely breath because of how hot and humid it is outside. You know how I react to the heat, it's never been my cup of tea, really. Remember how there were years where I only enjoyed being outside when it was cold? It's something like that here, I'm just not a summer person, I guess.

I'm literally surrounded by woods here, some of the trees we've had to chop down and while others are alive enough to still provide some shade. It's a nice place with things to see and places to go, it's very "country". Not much of an urban life up here.

I don't know what's the last thing you heard about me, I haven't been in touch with many people from back home. I've noticed it's something that I do periodically every several years and as much as it's wrong I've come to grips with it. You're probably the only person still left from my past, the one who keep my memories in conversation we have every once in a while, you're the person that knows all of my secrets, and maybe even more than that.

I trust you will take those secrets to your grave like I will. There's no reason why they should be allowed outside of our heads. They're not hurting anyone (not even ourselves) by staying where they are.

I hope you are doing well. I know I am.

I'll be seeing you around.


It was him again. Just so that there would be no doubt underneath his name he burnt a whole through the paper with his cigarette, it was supposed to be some sort of personal communication between him and I.

These are the last words I have from him. He's off again somewhere up north but he never tells me where. I'm pretty sure he'll one day drop in and surprise me with an unexpected visit. Other than that there was no way for my to really get in touch with him, there was no address on the envelope. I only know that he's up north.

Posted at at 8:37 AM on June 07, 2008 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under: