From what I observed and the idea the whole rally gave me was how, in my very particular point of view, ironically selfish Freedom of Speech is, it's at least how I percieve it sometimes. What I've always seen is this person, in front of a group of people, either 50 or as many as you like, and this person is chanting, screaming, reciting HIS/HER ideas, what HE/SHE thinks, what HE/SHE believes, in front of all these people that, to tell the truth, most of the time just recite the words back with big a unanimous "HURRAH!!!" or "WOOOO!!!!!!".
I'm not saying that Freedom of Speech is wrong, just that's a pretty selfish act, I mean, the beliefs of that person up on the podium or with the microphone are fine, but I dont believe I find it impossible, that every single person in the crowd supporting him agree in every single subject he does, or maybe they do but in a different way; maybe everyone wants better security in their schools with all the violence going around, but not everyone wants metal detectors in the toilet scanning your ass for any foreign objects.
Also, Freedom of Speech is only such, as long as you dont insult, aggravate, offend or attack the next person, it's just what I say about smoking, "Your right to smoke ends when my right to breath begins." It's easy to say to people who state their opinion when they're not asked to state one to "shut up", because they'll only say "Well then, dont listen.", it's just not as simple when you say to people not to smoke and they tell you not to breath.
I'm pro Free Speech, dont get me wrong, but I still think it's selfish, ironically so because it involves so many people sometimes