It is incredible how November has come to be such an important month, and we're still haven't even hit the half-way mark.

   November 2nd was the start of all this, the elections in the United States, the first "Big" election I was to witness head on, even though being from the border, I got most of the election shindig whenever it happened, I was still in Mexico and it never really affected or involved me in any way.

   There's was a big expectation early one and belief that the Democrats and John Kerry would win, the big turnout that every newscast was commenting about seemed to be a sign of support for Kerry, what a disappointment that was.

   Even though it was a close race, "point wise", the popular vote surprisingly showed an indisputable margin of almost 4 million votes, that's too big of a lead for it to be called another "Florida Incident." The people voted, and they decided to give Bush another four years, I cant say I totally agree with that decision, but I cant really say that Kerry was the best choice either.

   In my particular opinion, the most important matter right now is the war in Iraq, that was my main focus, Bush is aiming to keep it up as long as he can, in his words "...In order to defeat terrorism." Which, I think It's impossible to do, specially with SO MANY (not only people) but countries not in favor of this , so called, War on Terrorism. If that were the case, after Iraq, the United States would go against Spain because of the ETA, or Colombia with the drug wars, or Mexico for that matter with the EZLN, which has, thankfully died down in the elast few years.

   Has anyone ever thought of how scared or terrorized some people and countries are of the United States, the fact that the US holds so much power, enough of it to literally crush any opponent it wishes, isn't that a sort of terrorism, probably not the one everyone is used to; religious fanatics blowing up buildings, missiles flying and hitting God knows what target, dynamite clad suicide bombers who were offered a better life in martyrdom. The US elaborates a sort of control, economically speaking, that puts any other country in a state of terror, any change in the US economy is a change in the economy of most Latin America, if it's a good change or a bad one, most of the time it means bad news for Latin America.

   Terrorism is everywhere and there is no way to stop it, there will always be someone afraid of someone else, there will always be someone oppressing his neighbor, there will always be the governor, and the governed, the weak and the strong.

   Kerry wasn't the best choice either, I really don't have much to say about him, but I would have voted for him if I were a citizen. Why? Because he would've ended the war and brought back the troop as soon as possible, or at least that's what he said, and that's we have to rely on.

   To me, Nader was just a waste of a vote, you couldn't even consider it as a "Protest Vote" since it was so insignificant, voting for someone you know is not going to win is not a protest vote, it's a wasted one. Everyone gets the freedom of choice, I agree, so make that vote count for something. I believe most, if not all, the people that voted for Nader were against both Bush and Kerry, but the only thing they really did here, by voting for Nader, was help Bush win, those very few votes Nader received could've made the race a lot closer and another outcome might have surfaced.

   Thanks for making your vote not count.

   So we're stuck with Bush for 4 more years, let's see what he does before he blows up the world.

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