“La vida pasa y ni tú ni yo somos alguien para detener ese ritmo que ha puesto en marcha cosas mas grandes que nosotros.”

Los eventos y acontecimientos realmente pequeños del día de hoy me recuerdan a algo que escribí el año pasado, algo de lo que estoy plenamente de acuerdo y creo que es una verdad universal. Me ha molestado desde que he tenido que aceptar tal hecho. La vida se convierte en una maldita responsabilidad y deja de ser, en todos sus aspectos, una vida.

El momento del que estoy del que estoy hablando es ese instante donde la persona deja de valer mas que la educación que recibió y el dinero que gana, ese momento tan frágil donde consideran a uno “adulto” y tiene que luchar contra todas las corrientes en su contra.

Ganas dinero, pagas impuestos, consumes, consumes y consumes para sobrevivir y evitar, no solo una muerte natural sino, una muerte social. Aún está en discusión cual de las dos es peor.

Desconozco desde cuando remonta esto, tal vez siempre ha sido así pero antes no había tanta competencia por lo poco que había. Aún hoy hay demasiada gente y no ha suficiente para todos incluso con todo lo que se produce.

Tal vez deberían existir menos de “nosotros”, tal vez deberíamos encontrar la manera de saber quien es útil y quien no para entonces colocar a esas personas que se puedan aprovechar y echar de menos a las que sobran.

Yo me considero uno de los que sobran y debería ser echado de menos. Sería mas fácil exterminar a todo aquel que no produzca y dejar a los responsables, un contado elite que tenga las facultades adecuadas, no, mas bien perfectas para llevar a cabo y aprovechar el espacio que fue otorgado. Deshacernos de los mantenidos como yo que gastan el espacio y el oxígeno que alguien más apto podría ocupar.

Mi tiempo aquí se acaba, los se. Tengo mis días contados ya sea por mismo o por aquellos que me “mantienen” vivo.

Es hora de desaprovechar mas oxígeno y espacio.

Posted at at 9:37 AM on January 30, 2007 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Best crap this side of the border.

Posted at at 7:17 PM on January 25, 2007 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

"The past is as unforgettable as the future is unavoidable."

José A. Herrera

Posted at at 1:27 PM on January 24, 2007 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

I had a nightmare last night, a dream and, for me it is very unusual to actually remember my dreams. I don't regurlaly get a decent enough night's sleep o be able to remember details. Yesterday I did.

I wont name names, I wont give details, just what I remember after a couple hours of being awake and losing the haze.

I remember people and things dying all around me, people that have been in my life for the longest time and others that have only arrived recently, they all died. The one I remember the most, she was bleeding from her forehead and it was dripping down her face, she was crying and she said to me before she passed: "How could you do this to us?"

The crimson stains were on my hands and the floor, people were dropping dead all around me and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Even Malachi, my cat, he was all shriveled, hairless and the size of a mouse. I tried to feed him and give him water but nothing worked.

I love to dream but I hate dreams like these, it wasn't that people were dying it was that I couldn't do anything to stop it from happening.

As I woke up I couldn't take the image of her bloodstained face saying those words to me, as if all the pain, all that suffering her and the people around were going through was my fault when I had absolutely no idea what I had done.

So it's early and I'm awake, the first day I was allowed to remain in bed I found my nightmare. I hate my sleepless nights.

Posted at at 9:16 AM on January 19, 2007 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

By this time tomorrow I will become proud parent of a little boy.

His name...


Pictures very soon

Posted at at 4:25 PM on January 14, 2007 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

"I am a ray of mother-fucking sunshine!"
- Ashley Mace.

Posted at at 10:53 PM on January 08, 2007 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

"Time and all you took..."

I'm starting something out of nothing, I'm here with what little I have and I'm trying to start something, something out of nothing. I'm taking my chances, playing the roulette, using my best hand if ever had one, I'm here to "turn" into something.

Erie is a new place for me, even if I lived here last year, now I'm here for completely different reason, I'm here to build something people call a future.

"A future? What in the world is that?"

I don't know personally, I've lived my life day-per-day that I'm not sure how to plan for this so-called future. It's scary as hell, it's intimidating, it's what I've ever done.

"So, how am I supposed to do this?"

Posted at at 8:32 PM on January 06, 2007 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

Goodbye Juárez, hopefully, once and for all.

Posted at at 5:17 PM on January 02, 2007 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under: