I could snap at any moment today.

Posted at at 7:08 AM on March 30, 2011 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Racing Mind

Can't sleep.  For some reason my brain has decided to rev up its engines and go for a ride.  I hate it when this happens, nothing good has come of it.

What keeps me awakw are the string of thoughts in my head; my body is exhausted but for some reason my mind is wide awake.

Nothing good comes from this, ever. My mind races beginning with a memory of something else I've ruined. My mind makes sure to string all the mistakes I've made from a certain point up until now.

"This is where you started going in th wrong direction." Fast forward a few years and you've gone from being a promising something to a minimum wage earning, cubicle surrounded lemming.

I was something once, I have no idea where exactly I left it behind. Nights like these won't help me find that out; they're just here to remind me of how much I've screwed up.

Posted at at 12:33 AM on March 22, 2011 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under: , , ,


Nothing like being called a lazy coward

Posted at at 11:58 AM on March 20, 2011 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Some of us

Some of us have that spark, that potential to make things. Some of us choose to squander it; some of us lose it over time.  I've lost mine.

It's the bad habits that are so easily adopters; bad habits that are much stronger than any amount of willpower; willpower that dwindles down so delicately that you don't notice until it's mostly gone.

Some of us still have enough to conquer those fears; those past failures that are the roots of those fears; that past that some of us cannot escape.

Some of us are better off than others

Posted at at 8:53 AM on March 01, 2011 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under: , , ,