Late night, writing about friends that are far away from me, people I feel for, people I miss, some I havent even met. So she got hurt, another heart I see almost in front me fall, my best friend, the culprit of the crime. So I couldn't help, was I supposed to make a difference with they're problems while I haven't made a difference in mine? Still, I do what I do, It takes my mind out of myself and puts me somewhere else where I feel comfortable, helping others, staying away from myself.

Nothing to do now really, but let things roll now, the more I try to make things change north of the border, the more things stay the same down here.

What's the word I'm looking for??? Is there such a thing as the contrary to "Selfishness", I give myself completely to everyone that calls for help, sometimes too fast, sometimes I'm late. It's a comfortable situation really, leave my problems aside and take care of everyone else's, few times I've failed but all those times things managed to fix themselves and that makes me think I still made the difference, life's not worth it if you don't make a difference at least in the people you meet, that lasting impression leaves a mark, I'd hate to die and have my friends forget about me.

I haven't met this girl, but I know she's perfect, a bit more flawless would just be impossible, and I can't find reasons to reject what she's given to him, distance is always the barrier, but not something uncrossable, I've done it, why can't they??? People are different I know, but isn't love universal? Was there love there? It's too far for me to notice, bit and bytes thru monitors just don't show people's feelings, I guess I'm not as good as I used to be.

Boston to Charlotte, about a six hour drive, or so I think I remember; Guadalajara to Cd. Juárez, a sixteen hour drive that I know by heart, and still it felt as comfortable as one night's sleep, a distance that mattered for over a year, things change, for her things stayed the same, she's happy, who knows if I am right now.

If I saw it as perfect as I thought, why would they (he) see it differently? If he was in front of me I'd slap his face just to make him aware of what he just turned down, If I was there, I'd probably fall in love, but then again I'd have to leave soon after, who knows?

Who knows???

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