···He stared right into the wall when he first came in. I didn't think he knew what to expect, nor did he, but his reaction was much welcomed. He drifted a bit form room to room as if remembering some forgotten memories he had in every inch the run down apartment. We're selling the place now, the walls are still white but the paint is peeling off.
···We decided not to sell anything but we're not keeping it either, every piece of memorabilia there will stay with the apartment, nothing will come out unless it's going straight to the dumpster, so we can forget whatever happened here, so no one would have to run into something like that in some random garage sale.
···Pictures and such we're burning, that life we had years ago is nothing more now, we're not supposed to relive those moments, those pictures taught to live far too much in the past and look little into the future. We are what we are right now because of those memories and what we are is stuck.
···When he was in the house I told him he could take whatever he wanted since we weren't keeping anything, he looked at me and shrugged in approval. He didn't take much though, I saw him bag a lighter and an ashtray, obviously he was still feeding this new (not so now) habit of his.
···We went outside and went up on the roof climbing the the front gate, we stood up there and he used his new lighter and ashtray to smoke another cigarette. We didn't talk all the time we we were up there, we just sat with our feet in the air while he blew smoke signals up in the air as if we needed help for something we didn't exactly knew.
···He left as soon as we got back to the ground. He only said and he disappeared around the corner along with his trail of smoke.
···The day before we had run into each other at the park again, him in his black winter coat and brown boots, he hardly ever shaved so we was as scruffy as the day I met him. We sat in a bench ignoring each others errands and obligations, for me at least my obligations had been cut to a minimum since being kicked out of school, he on the other hand was as free as he always was. I guess I was just keeping him from his freedom then.
···We talked, about the months that had gone by and how even though so many things have changed it always seems that the things immediately surrounding someone always stay the same. He was still living by himself, still feeding that habit he formed so he could meet that girl who he never talks about anymore; I'm still here with nothing to do really, just wasting my time and what little money I have. I told him I should've left weeks ago, but I didn't.
···The hardest thing to do is to go back." He said. I nodded agreeing with him. as if you put your whole life on the line for something so small that even failing at that seems to grand. Nobody really understands that you're in the fight of your life when you put everything on the line for something so small.
···I couldn't speak much after that. We were quiet for a few minutes until I told him that we were selling the apartment with everything in it and that we weren't' keeping anything. He told me he'd drop by if he could to check the old place out. I never thought he'd actually come.