Two nightmares in a row, in the first you were bare for everyone except me, in the later you carrying someone elses future, you were in both of them and I was watching you slip away in different ways. In both you were farther than me than you are now.

   Why would I dream that? Why would those images haunt me so? The rest of my hours awake I killed myself with images of the violence I believed I deserved, of the submission I thought I was entitled to, yet I could only just watch and see my nightmares fade away...

   ...and remain in writing.
Posted by Hello

Posted at at 1:25 AM on December 29, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

   So Christmas has come and gone but I'm not about to bore you with another one of those "yule tide Christmas posts" everybody is doing right about now, whoever reads my blog and knows me knows I wish them the best, those you don't, hey what the hell, Merry Christmas.

   A trip to Chicago and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) playing for us, that was the main atraction for this december, that was what I was looking forward to the most in this frigid and to some, lonely month. Isela came to visit me in Warrensburg but we were far from staying in that awfully boring town, Chicago was our final destination and final destination it was, there we passed three of the best days we've had in this one year and seven months we've been together, well, sort of together.

   Although the CSO wasn't all that we expected, at least the Branford Marsalis piece, it was a disappointment the same way your disappointed when you get to your hotel room and realize it looks absolutely nothing like what you saw in the brochure, you scoff and criticize but you just don't really care.

   School is also over and people constantly ask me what do I have to say about my first semester teaching and what I say is "Thank God it's over!" It's not that I didn't have any fun or it wasn't fulfilling, I just wanted it over, a good winter break is what I needed at this moment. But with the semester over and all my student's grades turned in I'm starting to receive all those nasty emails from them complaining about their grade, how that not satisfied with what they got and if there was anything they could do to raise their score a little, well, all I can say to that is too little too late, I gave them a chance to turn in extra credit and most of the people that are complaining now are exactly those people that did not turn it in, besides, theres not much I can do when a student has 12 absences and the rest are most tardies. He still passed though.

   So now I'm home and the change of weather has been felt, from the minus something degrees in Missouri to the balmy 30 somethings (this is in Celsius by the way, not Farhenheit) in Guadalajara, Mexico. I'm kinda starting to feel that little itch in my throat of a cold coming on, who knows, It will be strange how I never got sick back at work and now that I'm home with absolutely nothing to do BOOM, a cold. Well, who really cares about that? I'm just rambling.

   Back to Chicago, it snowed on our stay there, and we were this close to not being able to come back, which wouldn't have been a problem since we were having so much fun, if only those two feet of snow had fallen in Chicago and not northern Indiana. *sigh. This snowfall was very important for her, it had been so long since she had seen snow fall so incredibly strong as it did that night, as old as we feel sometimes it's thing like these that bring out some incredible behavior in some of us, you should have seen us try to catch snow with our mouths all dressed for the symphony, and I have to give merits to her, she was wearing high heels and was catching more than I was.

Posted by Hello

   Well, this next week will feel like that night before the last day of school, at least until new years when everything is supposed to change, everything is supposed to get a second chance, what if I don't need one? What If I feel perfectly fine the way I am right now? What I don't want to bother with a second chance right now? We'll see what happens after I start missing her as much as I was a couple weeks ago.

   But now that it's Christmas some of us have to go to the obligatory church mass, even if we haven't gone all year we have to go today, which ends up only being a pageant for everybody to show off all the new shit they got for Christmas, it's been so long since I've noticed that church going has turned from being something religious to something more in the like of some strange animal's mating rituals, but don't get me wrong, as much fun as it would be to see people have sex in the church sidewalk it never escalates to more than courting the male or female of the species, each one of them wearing their new pair of shoes, pants or jacket, some people will even be showing off cell phones and brand new cars; did I mention I'll be walking to church and that I cant find my cellphone? Well, anyway, it's about that time, I have to go get dressed to go to church, I have to iron my new shirt.

   Cheers and Merry Christmas.

   (Man did I ramble on today.)

Posted at at 2:20 PM on December 25, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

"I remember running through the wet grass, falling a step behind."

   The sunset last night was somewhat like this one, but I didn't have my camera at the time, I didn't have that recording eye, I saw it, but I can paint a picture on the screen from my mind. There some kind of images you see that make you realize how far are all the gratest painters in the world from actually capturing reality, colors they can never reproduce, "Sunset Pink" or "Sunset Orange", there are some colors, some visuals that will never be able to reproduce.

   Take it in paniters, artists, you'll never be able to reproduce such beautiful scenes.

Posted by Hello

Posted at at 2:40 PM on December 09, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

We don't need no education

   A double negative? It looks as if Pink Floyd really did need a little bit of education.

   The person who is a professor is always misunderstood, 22 years of my life I lived on the opposite side of the desk, but now that I've gotten to know the other side I say to myself, "how badly we treated some professors." It's my first full semester as a professor of Spanish as a Second Language and my views are varied, for lack of a better word. I had two classes three days a week; mondays, wednesdays and fridays, at 9 and 11 o'clock in the morning; it's impressive how only two hours can make such a difference in the attitude of the students.

   It might become a full fledged anthropological case, it can also be a case of little sleep and too much drinking because it looked as though half of my 9 o'clock class were always hungover or still half drunk, meanwhile, the 11 o'clock class only arrived half hungover but more coherent. I don't know, maybe it's this "American way of life" that I cant get used to or, simply, doesn't interest me.

   The difference is seen clearly in the grades, but it is something I cannot dispense since it's private information, or until the student or guardians permits it, which I wont take the time to ask. Now it's only a matter of time to see how they do next week on the final.

   We will see.

Posted at at 12:59 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

"It feels like somebody's watching me"

   I'm being watched by someone that I cannot clearly indentify, I am distracted, my sight is on the opposite direction while this being rests it's sight on me. ¿Where am I? ¿From where am I being watched? I dont care who is watching me, I only need to realize if I am or not confused.

   Find me a place where we can hide away and nobody can see us anymore.
Posted by Hello

Posted at at 12:42 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   It is incredible how November has come to be such an important month, and we're still haven't even hit the half-way mark.

   November 2nd was the start of all this, the elections in the United States, the first "Big" election I was to witness head on, even though being from the border, I got most of the election shindig whenever it happened, I was still in Mexico and it never really affected or involved me in any way.

   There's was a big expectation early one and belief that the Democrats and John Kerry would win, the big turnout that every newscast was commenting about seemed to be a sign of support for Kerry, what a disappointment that was.

   Even though it was a close race, "point wise", the popular vote surprisingly showed an indisputable margin of almost 4 million votes, that's too big of a lead for it to be called another "Florida Incident." The people voted, and they decided to give Bush another four years, I cant say I totally agree with that decision, but I cant really say that Kerry was the best choice either.

   In my particular opinion, the most important matter right now is the war in Iraq, that was my main focus, Bush is aiming to keep it up as long as he can, in his words "...In order to defeat terrorism." Which, I think It's impossible to do, specially with SO MANY (not only people) but countries not in favor of this , so called, War on Terrorism. If that were the case, after Iraq, the United States would go against Spain because of the ETA, or Colombia with the drug wars, or Mexico for that matter with the EZLN, which has, thankfully died down in the elast few years.

   Has anyone ever thought of how scared or terrorized some people and countries are of the United States, the fact that the US holds so much power, enough of it to literally crush any opponent it wishes, isn't that a sort of terrorism, probably not the one everyone is used to; religious fanatics blowing up buildings, missiles flying and hitting God knows what target, dynamite clad suicide bombers who were offered a better life in martyrdom. The US elaborates a sort of control, economically speaking, that puts any other country in a state of terror, any change in the US economy is a change in the economy of most Latin America, if it's a good change or a bad one, most of the time it means bad news for Latin America.

   Terrorism is everywhere and there is no way to stop it, there will always be someone afraid of someone else, there will always be someone oppressing his neighbor, there will always be the governor, and the governed, the weak and the strong.

   Kerry wasn't the best choice either, I really don't have much to say about him, but I would have voted for him if I were a citizen. Why? Because he would've ended the war and brought back the troop as soon as possible, or at least that's what he said, and that's we have to rely on.

   To me, Nader was just a waste of a vote, you couldn't even consider it as a "Protest Vote" since it was so insignificant, voting for someone you know is not going to win is not a protest vote, it's a wasted one. Everyone gets the freedom of choice, I agree, so make that vote count for something. I believe most, if not all, the people that voted for Nader were against both Bush and Kerry, but the only thing they really did here, by voting for Nader, was help Bush win, those very few votes Nader received could've made the race a lot closer and another outcome might have surfaced.

   Thanks for making your vote not count.

   So we're stuck with Bush for 4 more years, let's see what he does before he blows up the world.

Posted at at 1:08 PM on November 12, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   I'm still a bit lost, your body is still a mistery
to me, still plenty of you to explore.
But I never seem to have the time, it's always
over to soon and we say goodbye for tonight.

   For every experience from before, you are
the most subtle, complex and intriguing.
But don't keep the door locked for me, don't leave
me to sleep alone outside of your bed tonight.

My imagination slips on your image, like it always
does. My body slips back to the real world when
you're gone.
I swear I try to keep awake, but sleeping tonight
means I can play with time...

...And make you come back to bed again.

   We see and write what we can, memorizing
lines so we can something to talk about.
But if our minds can think of these words, I say
let our bodies do all the talking.

Talk to me, I'm listening, I only have ears for
your voice, kiss these lips that only want to kiss
Take me away, I'm ready to be taken away again.

Posted at at 1:09 AM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   I played God the other day, changing reality,
making believe that the world being round is a lie.
   Heaven went dry the minute spoke, I wrecked
whatever I had built, I had buried all underground.

I'd do anything for a change, I'd do anything for a
different point of view, I'd do anything to know how
to kill you.

   I played & lost the other day, putting a smile
in the table all I got back was a frown.
   Hell froze over the minute I dropped the lie,
I destroyed a whole town of possibilities.

I'd do anything for a chance, an instant for the
distance to go away & to cry from a kiss or
embrace than of loneliness instead.

To feel appreciated instead of threatened,
to smoothly fly instead of crash landing all
the time.

To hear a particular voice instead of a crowd,
to find that perfect face I've been hanging on the

Particular, flawless, perfect & so far away, winter
will bring you back & take you away again.
I'm nailing the snowflakes to the sky, I'm playing God
again & shouting at the sun.

Posted at at 7:30 PM on October 25, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

   What's all this I'm giving to myself? A new, completely different
undarkened place, a brand new lonely routine for me.
Lights and & rain, music & temptations dance all together in a
single place. Of all thethings I thought were mine, I realize now,
they were never for me.

   But my thoughts were drilling a hole outside, to let the air come inside
and exchangeit for some light.
Reflections & strangers, names & faces all converge in a single word of
loneliness, it is worth it seeing this as anything but the exact same.

Float me away to a room with fewer walls & a tin roof,
something I can easily break through.

Ride me in top of smoother ground, without glass & stone,
somewhere I can say I'mnot alone.

   My imagination reshapes all of my reality into something I don't know
but that fancies predictability.
Sleep & dreams, affection & love are the prizes I've failed to earn every time
I distance myself to heal, but end up only feeling terribly alone.

Posted at at 1:49 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   What's all this I'm giving to myself?
A new, completely different undarkened place,
a brand new lonely routine for me.
Lights and & rain, music & temptations dance
all together in a single place. Of all the
things I thought were mine, I realize now,
they were never for me.

   But my thoughts were drilling a hole outside,
to let the air come inside and exchange it for some light.
Reflections & strangers, names & faces
all converge in a single word of loneliness,
it is worth it seeing this as anything but the exact same.

Float me away to a room with fewer walls & a tin roof,
something I can easily break through.

Ride me in top of smoother ground, without glass & stone,
somewhere I can say I'm not alone.

   My imagination reshapes all of my reality into something
I don't know but that fancies predictability.
Sleep & dreams, affection & love are the prizes I've failed to earn
every time I distance myself to heal, but end up only feeling terribly alone.

Posted at at 1:49 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Hopefully something more, of all that I'm already wishing for,
I ask for something more.
   All this is time consuming, in between the insanity, all this
sanity is time consuming.

Occupying a space much too large for my frail body, a sudden
cold promises a much waited and lonely place to be.

Leave the cold outside, we need not leave the bed and lose this
comforting warmth.

   Something much less harmful, from the distances we destroy,
all I seek is something completely harmless.
   Other than that, instead of finding ourselves in the same barren
desert. I seek something other than that.

Changing the space much to my accord, I still look for you to fill
a space feel so cold.

Leave the cold outside, we need not see the sky when we can
make up our own falling stars.

   Help me realize how much I care for you, remind me by
   coming and knocking on my door.

Posted at at 1:37 PM on October 23, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Feeling a walking distance away from a peculiar fall from grace,
a strange enough sensation in a strange unfamiliar atmosphere.

Impulses controlling an obvious urge, to quench a desire,
probably more of a necessity.

If I ever fall from grace, if it's time that's breaking me now, I hope
I land on softer ground.

   These unfamiliar words, these sudden unaccustomed feelings
of killing the demons of my own personal desires.

I'm slowly falling to the ground and I'm doubting if I should ever
hold on.

Posted at at 1:26 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Did you ever find out where it all comes about? It is where I am
or where your body rests, the place where all this fit together again?

   Passion for blood, the distance is the air I breath, the days are
the rhythm of my heart. Since when has it been appropriate to feel
this way?

Did you ever manage to find an answer to my question? Of where
it all started, how we passed by that date after a year wide? lets
find it again.

   The most Precious of my days, most already passed us by, we only
have those that haven't died. Since when has my future ever seemed so

   You know almost too well how my world turned on a dime
   and changed it's direction. I flew over you the day I needed
   you the most. Beyond us, that's where everything that's ours lies...

Posted at at 1:45 PM on October 22, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Am I?
Posted by Hello

Posted at at 1:32 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

A whole month in Warrensburg, I really cant say I've seen a lot, but I really wont say that haven't seen anything worth mentioning. I'm pretty sure I'm making friends here that will last me the rest of my life, not only my fellow professors, or people I meet here, but also students.

Classes are still going well, at least I think. My 11 o'clock class is a lot more interesting than my 9 o'clock one, and it shows on the grades they got on their first quiz. It's not that I don't like my 9 o'clock, it's just so difficult to try to reach people that don't want to be reached, that are not making the smallest effort to learn. They still did well though, cant complain.

Spanish Club is another thing I was, sort of, obligated to join, It's really nothing else than people getting together, native and non-native Spanish speakers to, speak Spanish; "No English or other foreign language allowed." That should be the motto. It's actually very interesting.

I cant really say much more, I've been absorbed by work (and as of now, hunger), but it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would. It's actually very entertaining, and everyday, I go home satisfied or, at least, in a good mood, knowing that in one of classes someone learned something, whether something important or not as much, but SOMETHING.

I promised I would post here more often, and I will, soon.

Cheers y'all

Posted at at 12:17 PM on September 15, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:


To calm this animal desire with something so human Where is what I want when I least need it? Where can I find everything that I hurt myself with?

You'll never know what it is to have lived if you haven't died, you'll never know the complete extension of love until you've hated.

To wear the chains of a past much better put away than forgotten, carrying the weight only to walk a little slower, when you need to feel a little lower.

You'll never know how it feels to fly, until you crash and burn, you'll never know how it is to need someone until you're forgotten and alone.

To cry until you're completely dry, to run until you collapse,
to soother until it hurts, to fail until you've tried.

Posted at at 12:08 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Calm my demons down, however small they may be,
they're demons none of the less.
Fears that have grown, insecurities that have remained,
all those darkened memories that remain.

A soul this small can grow bigger than you know, If I can be killed
and survive, there's nothing in the world that I can't go through.

They take their sweet time, they chew on my bones
and leave my soul for dessert, they always leave enough of me
for tomorrow.

Posted at at 12:03 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Another week, another little something something to write about.

   Life in Warrensburg, ahh, what a joy, two more weeks of what this all was about, my classes have started to develope some sort of shape, an I've been finding out some things I haven't realized until now, that make this trip a little less appealing, but that is not going stop me from enjoying my stay here. I'll tell about this later on.

   Starting almost everyday at 7 o'clock in the morning so I could make myself a good breakfast and be ready for my 9 o'clock class of Elementary Spanish. That morning class, I have to say, is gut wrenching for me, I go into class saying "Buenos Días", and all I get are mixed mumbles in half Spanish, english and some sort of half asleep, half woken dialect I am yet to understand. This mood continues all the way until the end of class, I'm trying to motivate them, trying to make them participate, utilizing various things, methods, to make the class a little bit more energetic, active.

   I finish my morning class a bit depressed, thinking I'm just doing a terrible job, this mood remains with me until I, around, half way my 11 o'clock class, where my student in that class are completely different, they are energetic, they are participating in class, they are IN CLASS. I'm out of class, and I'm feeling a whole lot better.

   It's what happens to me every time I go to teach, I go there absolutely terrified, but leave completely satisfied with myself. This much mood change can be hazardous for me.

   Life out of the classroom remains quite the same, quiet enough for me not to be disturbed, I have this small space that I can use for anything I want, and enough time to actually take advantage of the tiny apartment. The truth is, it´s more space than I need, but dont tell anyone.

   Other things in my social life are normal, eventual night outs, almost just on the fridays, saturdays are days that are a little mixed, a little "Me-Time" a little time out on the bars. Talking about bars, two more bars I can review, "Old Barney's" which is more like "OPEN" in Juárez, dingy, dirty and fun, hehehehe. I liked that bar. "East PIne Street Pub", just more traditional, laid back, a good opener before going anywhere else.

   Now, going back to that news about the situation here. It seems as though they're not treating us as they should, looking into things, Caroline and I discovered that, in fact we shouldn't be teaching our own class, much less two. We should only be doing activities like Conversation and Discussion Groups, help students and be nothing more than Assistant Professors, also, we are not getting paid close as much as we should for the work we do. At first I always thought that it evened out with the university providing the apartment in the Foster Knox dorm, and me not being charged for the classes I'm taking, but, as I see it, there are a lot of apartments in Foster Knox that are empty, that means there isn't any waiting list, that also means the university isn't actually losing anything in us occupying this space.

   All this doesn't mean that I'm not going to do a better job, I'm not like that, I just hope the university realizes this soon, we dont deserve it.

   Going back to the space I have for myself here, I realize more everyday how it's sometimes too much space for me, I stand alone in my room just trying to picture Isela walking around the room smiling at me, asking to me join her at whatever activity she is in, whether it's trying to clean my apartment up a little, or taking a long bath, how I miss her.

   This place is too big for me, I need her to occupy it with me, but she's far away right now, she wont be around for the next 3 months, I miss you Precious.

Posted at at 9:32 PM on September 05, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Drive me mad, show me the world and place it just beyond
the reach of my hand. Show me how close I am to proving
your wrong.

Bring the rain, let it fall on my hands and cool off my feelings,
I need the space, I need a place to start from the beginning.

   To seek this chance, to exchange this place, dark and lonely,
for something grander, troublesome and lonely responsibility.

Posted at at 11:14 AM on September 04, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:


   Remind me of the past that I'm about to forget,
If I'm living an endless present, from where will I
learn and regret?

I leave to forget and I forget to give myself a reason
to come back. If my past is gone, how am I going to find
my way home.

   Lightning strikes, lights fill the shadows
of this once empty room. A dark cave waiting to be
lit my memories.

I leave to forget and forget why I left in the first
place. If my past must die the instant I'm born, where
will my future come from?

   Killing the shadows, that's how I control the sadness
   of a head once filled with unforgettable memories.

Posted at at 12:20 AM on August 30, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

I'm finding a road, all withered & forgotten,
a road that will take me exactly where I want to be.

Far away from here.

I'm arriving alone, but I will be joined by someone before long.
Caged inside my hollow cube, there will only enough space for someone like you.

I'm looking up a hill, dense in brush & darkness,
my feet run over it & before I ask myself why I started
running, I realize, you are on the other side.

I'm waiting without company to be held, I'm waiting here until we can
call all this "home".
Caged in another country, there are only so many places for you & me.

It's when I try to talk that I seem to forget what we
were talking about.
I'm lost in more of your things than just your eyes.

Posted at at 10:49 AM on August 28, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Almost a month now after my last post, I'm happy to announce that my new place of residence has changed from being in Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico, to Warrensburg, Missouri, USA, pretty harsh change if any of you know Guadalajara and Warrensburg, or let alone, Mexico and the US.

Warrensburg is a small town in Missouri, just a little South-east of Kansas City, it's about 1 -1 & 1/2 hour drive to KC, and about 5 hours to St. Louis in the west.

Ok, I've had so little time, what with fixing up my apartment, my social security number, my classes (the ones I'm giving AND the ones I'm taking), and with getting to know Central Missouri State University (from now on referred to as "CMSU").

The city is nice and quite tranquil, only 15,000 people live here and it almost doubles with all the students coming to study here. There's nothing much to do really, every night out starts at Pine St. Either, that's where most, if not all, the bars are. A night out could start in "Garrison's" or "Fidder's" which look like the most popular places, those AND Wal-Mart.

The parties are very "American" lots of beer and mixing with other drinks, most of the time people bring their own drinks, which is actually better, but the host still has to clean up afterwards. Simply put, they enormous, probably too big for this town, too big for me no doubt, by 2 in the morning I've had more than enough of the crowed and prefer to go home and sleep.

After 1:30, that 3rd call and they kick you out, there is always a party around somewhere, either at one of the dorms, or at ones unsuspecting apartment, which he'll inevitably permit, what with all the people around and not wanting to be an asshole.

Now, the classes I'm taking are American Literature to 1865, that's an American Culture class I had to take, but it's actually looking pretty interesting, my other class is Historical Archaeology, that on looks interesting, we'll see how that goes.

So today I taught my first two classes, to two groups of 30 people; by Friday I'm sure that number will go down dramatically, it'll probably be a huge bummer for my ego, but, it'll make the semester a lot more easier.

You can immediately figure out which are gonna be "the problem students", kids who actually know more than they should for that class, which they actually shouldn't take, because, even after my warning, they will not get credit for that class if they have more than 3 years of Spanish, prior, to this class. Basically, those kids want an easy grade. I have to kick those people out of my class.

My first class, 9:00am, was a bit complicated, I should've been more prepared, it went well, but it could've gone better, and I really thought it was gonna go worse. I went on for the full 50 minutes, which I probably shouldn't have, just because it was the first class, I should've given the kids a break. Thankfully, after that class, I managed to sneak in another 1601 Spanish class, where I got some pointers form a fellow teacher. So my 11:00 am class went on a lot more smoothly and, I think, the kids enjoyed it a lot more.

everything's cool, the weather is a bit hot and humid, but it'll get colder than anything I've experienced, which is weird because, believe it or not, I'm actually looking forward to that. I cant wait for it to snow.

That's it for now, I'' try to post more as I go, I'm sorry for anyone who actually was a daily reader of my blog, I'll get up to date. Thanks


Posted at at 5:07 PM on August 25, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Well, I've been out for a long time now, about 10 days with a whole lot to say, mostly why I haven't posted enough updates recently.

The thing is, I'm moving to Missouri next Thursday (the 12th), I'm going to give Spanish classes as an Intern Teacher at CMSU (central Missouri State University) for the whole school year, so, coming this Thursday, I'll be living the
"American Way of Life."

I'm excited, yet a bit frightened, I know half of the fear is in the anticipation of something, so I'm swallowing all the fear and just letting this happen. The truth is, I want it to start already.

I got this gig through an Intercultural exchange program called "Amity", which interviews prospects to teach they native language in the United States, it offers them a Host Family and a small stipend so, basically, one needs money for his own little spendings, since you're not paying for food nor housing. Anyone interested should check the webpage out.

So I start off next Monday with orientation, that'll be from the 16th, up to the 22th, I think, they'll be showing us how CMSU works, how they would like us to work , all that stuff.

I'm gonna have to get used to a lot of things, what with the differences between Mexican an American culture, I've lived near the border most of my life, but to say that life in El Paso TX, is completely American, is way off. For starters, Mexicans are a bit more liberal, Sexual Harassment is not a big thing here, and stares, comments and such, are much more tolerated here than they are up north.

I have no problem with the food, it will actually be good to me since I need to gain a few kilograms to get to my ideal weight. Other than that, everything should be ok.

I'll be living in a small town called Warrensburg, it only has a population of about 15,000, of which 10,000 are students at CMSU, so the atmosphere should be interesting.

I'll be turning this weblog into a sort of online journal on my experiences over there, whoever reads this will probably see a change, cutting down a little on poetry and seeing more free writes, it'll probably get more interesting.

Anyways, let's this over with, two more days and I'll be outta here, wish me luck people.

Posted at at 11:16 PM on August 09, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   I try to find some denial, I try to ignore the obvious and let life
take me where I'm supposed to be, every once in a while.

There are doors inside my head that I've kept shut with all my good intentions,
yet I find you trying to unlock your way inside my brains, I maintain them closed
and I have my reasons.

   Sometimes I might choke on the feelings of a past, but other
than feeling love, It's how I've learned to feel alive.

These doors are what I've learned from the past, I never open them
but I keep them close by, so they're not opened again.

Posted at at 9:31 PM on July 29, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

I find it so hard to believe, how in my sunniest day I prefer
a colder shade, where colors are crowded, life goes a calmer

My eyes are emeralds that are attracted to places that have
been blackened, the colors of hope rely on the existence of

   I start to move, the sun changes the color of my skin and I
turn into something else, something I do not wish to recognize.
   The rest of me I have hidden underneath my sleeve, the
part you've already accepted, but I'm not willing to set free.

I have so much to live for, then, why am I in so much pain?
Why am I afraid of losing you again?

Life goes on... Doesn't it? Yet, it's easier to just die.

Posted at at 5:45 PM on July 25, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Ten minutes from departing, People!!!! Pray, think about me, any good karma will help during these next two weeks.

   Cheers y'all.

Posted at at 9:29 AM on July 09, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

   Alright, so yeah, I've been absent for oh so long now, I've just been really busy with lots of stuff that's been happening... FINALLY!!! Things to do.

   All last week, a friend of mine visited me, she came to enroll on a masters degree course in Marketing, at a local public University, she did all her stuff, with the usual let downs, and sudden pick me ups. After she finished with that, I had to drive her around town and show her the sights, like the famous Minerva I've talked about in earlier posts (WAY earlier). After she left, I thought I had a few days to relax, and write a little, I've actually spent more time writing on my journal (real live pen and paper thing) than on my blog, sometimes it's a lot more relaxing.

Posted by Hello

   Anyway, an opportunity came up for me to acquire a car, a 2004 Pointer, so I jumped to the occasion and got my car, YAY!!!! Nice little standard car to get me all around the city.

   Now, on friday I'll be leaving town to hed north for about ten days, I'm gonna sell some stuff I bought here, mostly arts and crafts made my hand, It's a little business I'm trying to start with a good friend from up there so, hopefully, all will go well.

   Wish me luck!!! =D

Posted at at 8:54 PM on July 06, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:


   A lot has happened recently around my state. Early and unexpected rainfall has caused underground water banks to grow and, as a result, the ground has been, literally, opening up, swallowing cattle and even people; three fire fighters have swallowed up, two have been rescued, one still remains missing, and it's difficult to say if he'll be found.

   This happened in small town called Nextipac, in the state of Jalisco, here in Mexico, the place has already been declared a disaster zone, that way the state can get fund and resources from the Natural Disasters Fund (or FONDEN here in Mexico). Reason being that customs have delayed the entry of machinery necessary for the rescue of the firefighter and control of the new chasm.

Posted by Hello

   The problem that geologists have found new chasms, and with more rains coming, it's very likely that these will open up and pose a serious danger for the people of Nextipac, most of whom refuse to leave they're homes, where the chasms continue to lead.

Posted by Hello

   Since the first fireman fell into the chasm, two others fell in hopes of rescuing him, these two were saved immediately, but the first one still remains missing. Little hope remains of him being found alive, let alone, being found.

Posted at at 10:20 AM on July 03, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

There are still places of you for me to go,
theres still of you to see.

   In all this darkness that I let surround me,
there are always small flashes of light that
fly through me.

There you are, in my dark abode, I use words
to describe your silhouette in this gentle

I have so much beauty around me, that the
darkness turns into light and my world is, again,
lit up...

   And I'm shown the way, through the desert
and up the mountains, across the world and into
your room...

... when I wake up, what I find next to me, is you.

Dreams slowly fade, my body awakes to find
the same pleasant darkness.
I fall asleep again, and wait until the darkness
turns into light.

Posted at at 8:08 PM on July 01, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

I have my own private inspiration, an aspect of my life that no one else, in this whole world has. Of all the things, that make my existence, something particular, she is the greatest one.
Posted by Hello

Posted at at 12:08 AM on June 27, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:


   I change my ink to change what I see,
an empty page is a dead canvas to me.
   So I force myself into the dark,
to take out the words in between all this
sorrow that I hold.

I bite the hand that feeds, for I don't wish
to eat, whats the point of eating if I'm not
allowed to breath?

   I manipulate my soul, no longer carved
from stone, but only flesh and blood with a
delicate frame of bones.
   I'm weaker than your wish, I keep my body
in a bony frailty just to I could hold on to the

But I'm still heavy enough to shake the heavens,
I'm strong enough to shut hells doors,
wanting only to find a simple space in between
that's not made of just dust and stone.

I bite the hand that feeds just for me to see,
if the hand that reaches out to me, still

Posted at at 11:44 PM on June 26, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   H O M E

   I'm riding down a road of hard work
and broken hearts, I've been broken before,
It's easy to get broken again.

I know, by far, how dangerous a distanced
road can be, I've walked on it in the past and
always been on the losing end.

But I cannot help to accept, this feeling
that drives me back. Back to where
I was alone but never as lonesome...

... a place I called home.

   The road is the same, the city has
never changed, the people come and go
and leave little of those I used to know.

I fear a death alone, I fear that, in my
last goodbye, there wont be anyone there
to reply.

I've been so alone, I could just die on my own.

But I cant help to see, theres always a
brighter light. Even if it's too far away from
me, It's where I was alone, but never as lonesome...

...a place I called home...

...a place I used to call my own.

Posted at at 10:03 PM on June 25, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

The neighborhood where I live in, a view from my doctor's office. If you look closely, you'll notice that it's actually two pictures, I wanted to get both the houses and the aqueduct una single shot but it was impossible. Also, you can see my camera reflected on glass from the window. This, is avery very tiny part Guadalajara.

Posted by Hello

Posted at at 7:20 PM on by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

   Sometimes I wonder how things can fall together
before they fall apart. But as far as this body can take me,
just remember I'll be by your side.

   Climbing up and down then back again, over and under
and trhough our own problems, things we cant avoid but
we can sure as hell leave them behind.

Posted at at 12:35 AM on June 22, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 2 comments | Filed under:

   Out of the cold uncaring sky, a fixture of light hangs
to illuminate our way. I follow it north, for there you are,
a queen in my world, a ruler in your own room.

Walking the dessert in it's moonlit slumber, sleeping the days
away under a simple shade.
Running the mile closest to your door, keeping my heart in hand
for you to take hold.

   Remember us, for we are the strongest these lands
ever saw, we were the wings of every bird that flew.
   We were the only ones that knew, we were stronger
than all of of you.

We still are, we'll always be, just so we could walk this
starlit ground, turning off their light so we can sleep
in the perfect dark.
We'll leave the world behind in it's artificial light,
they can burn in their sun, we'll be comfortably asleep.

Posted at at 12:13 AM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Ok, so yeah, I figure I should post a little something about all the "going on" in my life recently.

   The archaeological life has been disappointing, to say the least, I havent been able to keep a steady job in that field because of different issues, ranging from weather to completely incompetent bureaucracy, that is why I have decided, alongside my dad, to start a little business, if this goes well, I just might put the archaeological life aside for a while, even though I love it so.

   I came by this idea from my dad, when I asked him what should I do with some money I've got laying around doing nothing, I thought I could put it the bank and hope to get some interest but, looking at the interest rates right now, that didn't seem like a good idea.

   This little business consists of exporting mexican crafts, pottery mostly into the US or any other country that is interested in such pieces. Right now, I'm still in the planning stage, still talking to people I know who can give me pointers, lead in the right way to make this work, good thing these people are, most of them, my relatives. My dad has always had this idea, at least ever since they moved to Guadalajara, but he didn't want to go at it alone, so with me in the picture, he put the idea on the table, and I jumped at it.

   The great thing about this is that, near Guadalajara, there are two small towns, Tonala and Tlaquepaque, which are two of the most important manufacturers of mexican arts and crafts, ranging from beautiful archaeological pottery replicas to those corny tequila bottle and shot glass sets a lot of people buy. So, at least, I've got the manufacturers near by.

   So that's my future plans, at least for now. If anyone has some pointers or advice, or knows someone that might be interested in this kind of merchandise, please let me know.

   Cheers y'all.

Posted at at 11:58 PM on June 21, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   I'm going back to that place that changed my life.
A place so far away from home that I'm someone else
and where I'm am again born.

Far away from what we see, It's still farther away than
it seems. I'm not sure if yous see what I have planned for us
down this way.

   Just dont hesitate and make this possible magic into
something malevolent and tragic. I'm building our home
somewhere else, something to call our kingdom come.

Posted at at 9:05 PM on June 20, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:

   OK, I've been trying to arrange the words inside my head about an idea that occurred to me while watching a "Freedom Speech" movement in my city, its wasn't something big really, just something that by chance passed by, couldn't have been more than 50 people.

   From what I observed and the idea the whole rally gave me was how, in my very particular point of view, ironically selfish Freedom of Speech is, it's at least how I percieve it sometimes. What I've always seen is this person, in front of a group of people, either 50 or as many as you like, and this person is chanting, screaming, reciting HIS/HER ideas, what HE/SHE thinks, what HE/SHE believes, in front of all these people that, to tell the truth, most of the time just recite the words back with big a unanimous "HURRAH!!!" or "WOOOO!!!!!!".

   I'm not saying that Freedom of Speech is wrong, just that's a pretty selfish act, I mean, the beliefs of that person up on the podium or with the microphone are fine, but I dont believe I find it impossible, that every single person in the crowd supporting him agree in every single subject he does, or maybe they do but in a different way; maybe everyone wants better security in their schools with all the violence going around, but not everyone wants metal detectors in the toilet scanning your ass for any foreign objects.

   Also, Freedom of Speech is only such, as long as you dont insult, aggravate, offend or attack the next person, it's just what I say about smoking, "Your right to smoke ends when my right to breath begins." It's easy to say to people who state their opinion when they're not asked to state one to "shut up", because they'll only say "Well then, dont listen.", it's just not as simple when you say to people not to smoke and they tell you not to breath.

   I'm pro Free Speech, dont get me wrong, but I still think it's selfish, ironically so because it involves so many people sometimes

Posted at at 10:44 PM on June 16, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 3 comments | Filed under:

Don't you dare hold me, now that I've found what heaven took away from you,
the face of truth, a stronger hand that pushes me to move.

I'm not one for the perfect words, desperation or your eternal damnation.
I've been given hell before, I've watched burn in all it's glorious form,
not of sulfur fire and ash, but of coldness, suffering and darkness.
Hell is as real as heaven and It's standing between you and me.

The distance scars and time blisters our skin, for a over a year we've
been beating the devil at it's own sadistic game.

We're not here for that chance that come only once, we're here to show
that we are made from more than skin and bones. We're more than these bodies
We're here for eternity, or until death let's us move, we're here forever
until we tire of life and fall on each other.

We are here only for each other and none other.

Posted at at 5:03 PM on by Posted by Jose | 1 comments | Filed under:


   Spirited away, you were taken from me,
for less than three days. Yet time whispered
it's breath of delayed blood and my own invented

   I scowl at the feeling, bringing it close to
an impossibility. I remark the words handed
tonight, "Where are you, my Love?"

I shudder in despair, trembling with fright,
vomiting in disgust, from a lonesome presence
and my own pitiful existence.

   Facing the night too late, waking to find
that another day is slain. I find it hard to bleed,
when the world and my enemies have taken all
they need.

   I condemn all this empty space, these
swollen hands that should be stronger so time
could not take you away, arms that should be around
you, instead of the desert's days.

I slip from my distraction, choke on my disbelief,
on how quickly my life can easily slip from me,
and destroy my existence.

Posted at at 10:59 PM on June 08, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 2 comments | Filed under:

Is everything only in my head, or is there really something worth seeing outside?
It's just that the sun hurts my eyes and I'd rather prefer the wolrd a bit colder.

   Without the sun beating down on me, so help me God, I'll fly far enough to stay
in the dark.

And if I go insane, it'll be fine with me. I dont want to break completely, until I'm
too far away for you to see.
You dont have to pick up my bones, I'm a burden only to gravity, making it work,
keeping me on the floor.

Posted at at 10:49 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

"Doesn't reincarnation strike you as another form a procrastination."

Chuck Palahniuk

Posted at at 6:01 PM on June 04, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 4 comments | Filed under:

Life in the not-so funny papers.

It's been a nice change of weather here in Guadalajara, it's been raining since I got back and the sky hasn't stop roaring; looks like it will rain for a while. That's so very nice, a change of weather never hurt anyone.

It's hard for me to post on a daily basis, almost everyday I want to write something down but, when I get around to typing, my ideas just seem to run out of my head... Anyone remember "The Letter People" and how there were these words called "Runaway Words"??? That's almost exactly what happens. (Except the whole "High OH Silver, AWAY!!!!" part, my house would be pretty noisy if it were.)

I'm in that process I've called "Withdrawal", It's so easy for me to get used to the company of Isela that, in a week, I already feel her underneath my skin. It took me less than that to find out just how much I need her. It's only been three days since I last saw her, but it feels like a month. Even though the weather has helped me, it hasn't made the days go by any faster, it's just made them easier to live through.

Love the rainy days, the more gray, the colder, the better, it's weird for me that most of these days are during the summer, so you can say that I hate the summer during the day, but love it at night and in the mornings, when the air is cool and you can still still some rain falling over you. Beautiful.

Posted by Hello

Posted at at 6:27 PM on June 03, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 3 comments | Filed under:

The celebration is over, people have gone and everyone has returned to where each one belongs (so they say). My week and a half in paradise is over, now it's time again to climb myself out of hell so I can find myself with such beautiful company once more.

Posted by Hello

Posted at at 11:52 PM on May 31, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Days have gone by too slowly this past week, time has that habit, we all know it, that it plays with us. We're not what one would call guinea pigs because time doesn't experiment with us, it just amuses it self with our pitiful rants and complaints of how bad he treats us. We're a board game to time.

   Yet, what I've found out recently is what exactly gives Time that enormous value that it has, and, ironically, it's death, think about, and read what Ray Kurzweil has to say about it:

   "Take death for example; a great deal of our effort goes into avoiding it. We make extraordinary efforts to delay it and often consider its intrusion a tragic event. Yet we find it hard to live without it. Death gives meaning to our lives; it gives importance and value to time. Time would become meaningless if there were too much of it. If death were indefinitely put off the human psyche would end up... well, like the gambler in the Twilight Zone episode."

   I just happen to be in complete accordance with him, but lets think about it a bit, constantly people are making "life plans", "List of thing to do before I die", "life goals", etc. If death didn't exist, we would all be able to take our time and do things whenever the chance presented itself, everything aside that, would be simple commodity.

   Unfortunately, the fact that Death gives meaning to Time, means it give importance to other things, simple and yet complex life experiences. Would a sky diver feel the same rush??? Would a mountain climber climbing the Everest and reaching the top really make a difference in a world where Death doesn't exist??? The whole point of completing these hazardous events is that there is a possibility one might die, and that is why not everyone is capable of surviving a climb to highest peek in the world, or to even go through something that might endanger them.

   Danger would cease to exist, Fear, because most fears are based on the chance of dying, would cease to exist as well, though some of the other more complex "Fears" deal with specific things, but I'm talking about more primal, instinctive fears. Imagine a Claustrophobic standing in front of a starved lion ina closed space, would that person be afraid of the fact that he or she is inside a closed cell, or that simply you might die being devoured by the lion??? Again, death brings meaning to everything.

...You love because you don't know how long you're going to be here, you love intensely because you know you will die, we procreate because it's the most efficient way to, in a way, become immortal while becoming dust. Now, certain people seek other ways to reach this "Immortality", they're called writers, inventors, scientists, doctors, artists, muscians, among others, they will die, their work and art wont, or at least it will outlive them far longer.

   Eventually, a person would go mad, after seeing, experiencing, so much, memory would start to fade, all that rutine and monotony that will, at some point, engulf a person, the idea that he has seen everything there's to see, and will see, there would be nothing new, nothing worth living for, would drive this absolutle past the brink of insanity.

   So what would be the point of not dying if there wasn't anything worth living for???

Posted at at 8:13 PM on May 19, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Of all the people that have made a difference in my life, the one that has made the biggest impact is the one I'm about to see, in only just three more days, we'll cast away the distance and kill time with a single shot. Thanks for making me smile. Posted by Hello

Posted at at 7:39 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Stand aside, the world is about to show it's face, one of death and fallen grace;
the other, one I don't truly understand.
   Lights may flash all around me, but my shadow remains in the dark,
and wherever I go, whatever I do, It's waiting for me by my side.

Shadows grow, light disappeared in the dark, you move around trying to find
a way outside.
Instead, you find yourself trembling, planted in the same spot.
Fear prevents you, it asks "Who are you to move?" And you get left behind.

   Sour days and colder nights, I'd rather remain awake than dream a dream
of fright, of something I couldn't fight.
   Sounds drill all around me, holes from where one can see reality,
but wherever I go, whatever I do, I'm still perfectly locked inside me.

Shadows melt and daylight reappears all around, I move forward to find my way
Only to find your horrors from the previous night.
Fear curls you up into a ball, it says "Don't worry theres nothing for you
in the outside world."

Posted at at 1:14 AM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Remember what it took you to fly all the effort, sacrifice
and sweat only to watch you fall over me.
I lost my sight, heart and confidence for you,
now, you're losing me.

And I don't want to be found, I'm still not broken.
If countless other could not break me, why would you?

   That's why I still work a separate line, between reality
and perversion, a line you'd rather not walk down again.
   So ask me if I'm tired, if the world is round, or am I really
out of my mind. A silent answer for you and I'll live without
guilt another day, and I'll forget everything you ever said.

I'll just say goodbye, and hope life treats you right.

Posted at at 12:12 AM on May 17, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   "Something or the other, things still wrapped around you,
saying nothing more because I know your intentions,
trying to find what you left behind... wont find dit me there anymore."

Posted at at 12:06 AM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   So I return to the only rutine I enjoy, one of sweet, sweet
   So I'll take my chances and put them by your side until
somethin better comes our way.

I'm living what I wished for and yet I want to teach you
so much more, willing to sacrifice a different future.

Posted at at 12:03 AM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Three years ago, and aunt of mine, (my father's borther's wife) was diagnosed with cancer, since then it's been and uphill battle, with downhill moments, just calmer straight flat moments. Yesterday we got a call saying she's in a terminal stage, nothing else to do but just wait for her to pass away, they're even taking her out of the hospital, because there is nothing else to be done. She's practically already gone.

   It's hard to see, but it's only moments like these where one realizes for how many people today just might be their last, tomorrow will never come because they passed in their sleep or another quick way. It's different with my aunt, she's been struggling for the past few years, not living a life because life just might end any second, not being able to have that little comfort of taking life for granted, like we all do, everyday.

   People say you should live your life as if it was your last day, I dont like that saying one bit, that's what people who are afraid of dying say. They're so eager to get things done before they die, that they leave so many other behind, I'm not one to be pressured, I'm not one to be pushed around everywhere, to jumping out of planes, or having gay sex, all because tomorrow I might die. I take comfort in taking life for granted.

   I cant say I blame anyone for what she's going thru, I dont reject or loathe death, I just dont think it's fair on HOW she's dying, she's suffering too much, completely unecessary, if God, or whoever, is going to take her either way, why the hell make her go thru all of this??? I guess I don't know how gods work nowadays, but, like I said I said before, I really cant blame anyone, except the one with the power to end it.

Thanks for making people suffer.

Oh wait, now I'm taking all the good things for granted, ahh, comfort.

So one can guess that, in the days to come, my writings will be centered around this whole topic about Death, and not coming to terms with it, simply because I don agree with it, not with Death, exactly, just the means. Makes me wonder who in the world gets a kick out of seeing us suffer until we die, isn't it just easier, for everyone, just to let go???

Posted at at 11:13 AM on May 16, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Running back and forth, someplace far
behind, it was brought to my attention that all things
were left when I went blind.

I tried to say, that things are staying the same, you
and me could always stay like this.

   Insecurity running thru these veins, why would
you feel this way? About me, about this whole affair.

But, right now, I have nothing to say...

Posted at at 3:09 PM on May 14, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   Hoping to find another day to spend by your side,
or just another way to understand.
   Walking along the shore, bathed by the sun we
forget las night's sin.

We talk just like we were, we've always had things to say,
about each other, about our own day.

I'll some back, someday...

   Hoping to find a way into your heart, I accept as
much as you give, because It's only as much as I can take.
   Walking back to your door, after bathing in a kiss,
I don't smile until it feel like home.

I'm smiling now, while we talk just like we were...

Posted at at 2:43 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

   I'm being waited for in a city very far away from here. In the desert she waits while I wait for my sky to rain down this concrete city, this place has the ugly habit of just shouting the coming of a rain shower, it usually passes us by with less than a trickle.
   But time passes by just as quickly (or slowly) in the desert as under the raining sky, we're both waiting for the exact same day, the exact same morning when all this distance will be reduced only to the space between each others lips in a kiss. We have a habit of kissing before we say a word, embracing in a tight hug before we can take a breath and fly to a mountaintop before we take a single step. We ride in strides, only because we don't have as much time as we'd like, we only have those fragments where distance and time are distracted tormenting someone elses poor soul.

   But we've had our times, our spaces, and we've managed to use them efficiently, properly, giving ourselves the perfect balance between surprises and comfortable rutine.

   No kiss is the same, no embrace is exactly the same, just like no snowflake is completely alike, every look she gives me opens up a whole new day, a whole new sensation where, with that look, she can communicate and entire lifetime.

Posted at at 8:15 PM on May 05, 2004 by Posted by Jose | | Filed under:

Ok, so yeah, I've changed my template a few times, I just cant find one that really suits me, sorry to all the people who actually visit my blog, I'll try to stay with this one.

Posted at at 9:38 PM on May 04, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

So, finally, I've got something to do, I wont get paid but, at least, I'll be doing something other than gathering dust. I'll be helping out Javier Reveles and Catherine Liot at "Estudios del Hombre" (Studies of Man), probably doing simple stuff like analyzing and categorizing material, after all, I'm not getting paid, I'm not about to bust my ass for no pay.

Still, what I'm looking for is to keep my mind and brain in check, functioning and not rotting away here at home, I'll also be more directly in contact with other archaeologists from around here, and abroad, more contacts, more possibilities, more work.

I'll start monday, lets see how it goes.

Posted at at 8:48 PM on April 29, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Last I heard from Courtney (This is thru "away" messages).

iamnotcourt: hey are you there?
iamnotcourt: I just wanted to leave you a message. I sat down here at the computer and started to read through your poems that you sent me, and before I knew it, I had went through every single one. It was kind of surreal, like picking up one of my own old journals, to see where life was and where it is now, you know, and it made me sad that we dont keep in touch like we used to.Makes me sad to think about growing and how life makes us have to change and grow, all be it for the better but none the less forces us to have to go through moments of sitting and reflections.The point to all of my rambling is this, I miss you and hope that life is being good to you, and I hope that life will allow me to slow down soon so that I can make time for these little things that keep us sane sometimes, you know?
iamnotcourt: of course you do, thatch why I treasure you so.....Take care and hope to hear from you soon

Yahoo! Messenger: iamnotcourt has logged out. (29/04/2004 01:25 p.m.)

Posted at at 4:26 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Bloody hell!!! Now, I'm not one to put up news about animals too often, but this brave little kangaroo, can make people realize that animals aren't as stupid as they think, in they're own little animal kingdom sort of way , unlike that golf-eating dog I posted about a few days ago.

But one can't help but realize how stupid it is for a kangaroo, or any animal, to receive an award for bravery, in that case every lioness should receive one for defending her cubs. The kangaroo will most likely have no idea what the hell is going on, wanting only to hed back home, munch on some food, pooty, then go to bed

Oh well, I guess every country has something, anyone remember the "Chupacabras"?

Posted at at 11:03 AM on April 28, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

If y'all not careful CIA agents might come after you after reading, and misinterpreting your blog. You know how people love to get things the wrong way, specially now, where everyone is so stressed out.

My all decent blogger become paranoid about who really reads what's in their blogs. I've always loved getting the government's attention, hehehe.


Posted at at 7:03 PM on April 27, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

I'm still a bit lost, your body is still a mystery to me,
still plenty of it to explore.
But I never seem to have the time, It's always over
too soon and we say goodbye for tonight.

For every experience from before, you are the most
subtle, complex and intriguing.
But don't keep the door locked for me, don't leave me
sleeping alone outside of your bed tonight.

My imagination slips on your image, like it always does,
my body slips into the real world when you're gone.
I swear, I try to keep awake, but sleeping tonight
means I can play with time...

...and come back to your bed again.

I see you write what you can, memorizing lines
so we can have something to talk about.
But if our minds can't think of the words, I say let our
bodies do all the talking.

Talk to me, I'm listening, I only have ears for your voice.
Kiss these lips that wait only to kiss yours.
Take me away, I'm ready to be taken away by you again.

Posted at at 9:31 PM on April 26, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

To some people, mostly those who tend to be pretty ignorant, Archeology is exactly this. Those people are the ones that, usually, just go to see the sites as tourist attractions, and do not see them as more than a pile of stone rubble.

Obviously, few people actually know that the "Digging Process" is but a small portion or an archaeologist's job, it's a shame, really, 'cus it's the most entertaining part. Before one can have a dig season, there's an enormous list of things to accomplish before one stick the shovel into the ground.

First, get a project going, which is, pretty complicated, a lot more neurons burning in this part, gotta make it scientific enough, attractive enough and mysterious enough for the Archeological Board to accept it, which takes about a year, IF your lucky.

Now, the project isn't just writing up your intentions, there a huge bibliographical investigation on the area, an extensive, detail based, search of things from, what the people around there do to, which kinds of bugs hang around the area.

But, digging is a great thing, it's what makes archeology fun, though some archeological will disagree with me.

Posted at at 8:41 PM on April 24, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: "Where girls are hotter than melting magma."
Rodrigo Zapata Guevara
Duque de Anapra

Posted at at 4:55 PM on April 23, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Jesus christ!!!! hahahaha, I couldnt help but laugh, poor dog.

Would you stop eating if you had that many golf balls in your belly, hehehe.

Posted at at 4:45 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

All poets, BEWARE!!!! We just might die suddenly.

Might live as much as we can before getting ourselves in a mental institution, God knows I should be in one, or committing suicide, no worries there.

Posted at at 7:13 PM on April 21, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

I keep having all these conversations in my head,
a girl I'd like to meet, a dream I'm finding hard
to complete.
We bite our nails and like to look far away, we share
laughs, our late night "stop 'till you drop" fests.

The chance, a bus trip to somewhere, a place
where rivers flow, where everything moves comfortably
We'd like to run into each other someday, strange
occurrences are welcome, a fated event only killed by
my income.

Both agreed that we met in past lives, wreaking childish
havoc and indulging our mind. With song and dance, the
opportunity for something grand.

Posted at at 11:43 PM on April 20, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

I'll change my plans day to day, things never
stay the same. A different motivation, a sort of
sudden invitation, my life being in a far away

So I might stay and leave the change for another
day, walk with me, help me find a better place.

We'll walk away from fear and find a place in the shade,
leave all our troubles behind. We've been wound up too

Let's run away and find our place in the shade...

I'll write you into my plans in a day, like these things
might change. Reconnected function, a new relation, something
that springs forth clearer motivation.

So I might stay and change until a better day, walk
with me, help me find a better place.

We'll walk away from fear and find our place in the shade,
leave all our troubles behind, we've been wound up too

Let's run away and find our place in the shade...

Posted at at 2:53 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Go ahead and change my world, tomorrow I'll be gone,
tomorrow I'll be someone else.

Another change of pace, could it be that what I need
is some peace and quiet and stay the same?

I mistakenly use my liberty, I'd rather celebrate
and leave my maturing for another day.

Another change of pace...

Tell me that it's all alright, tell me I'm fine,
tell the world that we can still fly.

Change my world... I dare you.

Posted at at 2:47 PM on by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

It's hard to try and comprehend the Mexican vision toward peaceful and group jobs, for jobs I mean CAREERS. The first two years as an Archeologist have been, well, hectic, to say the least. Lack of funds, complete and total cutting of funds, "our funds are where?" "Who's got our funds?"

Even though, the Iztepete project has been rewarding, two years and the place looks very nice, like it never has, so, if we've gotten all this reprise, all this "paper" support, and salutations, why hasn't the money poured in already? Easy, Mexican Governmental bureaucracy (I like to call it "Beaurocrazy.") Stupid secretaries, lazy public officials and even worse city mayors who prefer to put a real unnecessary cast on a local monument than dishing out the money for cultural projects that will last a lot longer and have more impact than a huge statue of a shield and spear wielding woman with a cast.

The statue has been there for decades, the Iztepete, even more, and will remain there, most likely, longer than most of us; the cast will be taken off in a few weeks... It seems people are enjoying more a passing thing, then something more permanent, all because of an ill "routine" that might just crawl up they're ass and make them see that this city will never change without long lasting urban and cultural projects.

That's not all, even with the international archaeological experience that I have, being still limited, this is something I do not see elsewhere except here: "Archaeological Mafias", yup, you heard right, "Mafias". Basically, how they work is as follows:

Archaeologist "A" does not get along with Archaeologist"B".
A new, plump, just recently graduated Archaeology Major, lets call him Archaeologist "C", decides to work with Archaeologist "A".
Automatically Archaeologist "C" will be permanently burnt with Archaeologist "B" and will never EVER work with him or her, because he or she assumes, Archaeologist "C" is on Archaeologist's "A's" side and not his or hers.

Ahem... Childish, need I say more?

This, obviously presents a troublesome scenario for young Archaeologists who, despite being excellent researchers and dependable workers, will not be able to complete an original project due to the constant shots being fired at them by people they have never met, nor have read they're plans for a project.

This happens to me, and to many other people. That is why the rest of my graduating class and I, and those below us, have made up our minds to leave Mexico and work elsewhere.

It's more of a necessity, than a personal choice, what are you going to do when you cant work properly or ascend the social ladder into a better quality of life? It's difficult enough that Archaeology in Mexico doesn't pay much (IT DOESN'T PAY ENOUGH), it's worse when people are constantly shooting you down, or you cant work because a decent project cant get of it's feet.

That's what happens to Archaeologists in Mexico, and it's not just in my area, Historians, Anthropologists, have the same problem, I hope it's not all over the world.

Posted at at 1:07 AM on April 19, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

Where is my lover??? Where might she have gone??? I cant say I waited for her, but I can say I had her in my heart. But it's late, she might be asleep, does she feel safe without my arms around her??? Is she dreaming a dream of me???

I missed her today, an empty house and only this lonely soul to walk inside it, where are you my love, when my body cried for yours??? Can't you hear my heart's loud beating??? Must I scream the wind out of my lungs??? Will you hear me then???

Are you hearing me now??? Are you smiling while you sleep??? Will you embrace me when I come around??? I missed you today, for all the sake of the world, I missed you today.

So I'll sleep tonight, a sound slumber with restless dreams, my body aches, my mind wanders, my heart beckons to hear you say, "I love you", "touch me again", "take me away." So I'll sleep tonight with a restless soul until I find a way to come back home.

I missed you today.

Posted at at 11:09 AM on March 24, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under:

A lot of time has passed since I wrote anything down, a lack of inspiration or just too little time on my hands to just sit down and write something good.

So I'm what you can call, "Ok", I just left the love of my life some 2,200 kilometers away and I'm here by myself, can't complain really, because I just spent a whole month with her, still, it feels good to complain, and I just might do so.

She's so far away right now, that the only way we can talk is through means that just don't express any emotions, even by phone, your voice cannot totally express what you want people to notice, but, It's all we can do right now, it's all we have.

She's beautiful, kind of like a "lost and found", because we had a connection some years ago, she was very young and I was in a complicated situation, sparks flew but we only got burnt , thankfully, it didn't leave scars and we found each other again, probably just by chance, because I don't like to believe in fate.

So this is like a little welcoming "free write", I hope this will make me come back to this blog which I left to rot a long time ago, I'm amazed I still have the account.

So, anyway, when your 24 and you've just found out you've used up all your God-given potential well, then, cheers.

Posted at at 11:14 PM on March 05, 2004 by Posted by Jose | 0 comments | Filed under: