Jealousy is a strange thing, it can drive to achieve what you need or it can drive you completely mad, even simple things, small confessions suddenly known that really have no value or worth are felt almost as stabs, one cannot help to be envious of a person who has the ability to do or see what one cannot. When I read the words I felt slapped, but not by her but by my own feelings, I later looked at the person and tried to figure out why and how she would think of him like that, what made to interesting, attractive, what does he have that I dont, 'cus even if I dont like to admit it every day of at least one semester she did what she could to be in his class

   These are my own demons, my own envy, my won jealousy, I cant help but sometimes hate those people that can see her every single day and take her for granted, I've never done so and I've convinced myself never to do that and that's exactly what makes me so angry, I cant go a single day without wishing, praying, asking for an opportunity to be with her and there's all these group of people around her that just cant see what I see in her, I see so much and I miss it all.

   So I live with my envy, my jealous towards all those people around her, with my constant necessity to be near her, kiss her, hold her, anything but with her, I live with it because it is my choice.
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  1. Rodrigo Zapata Guevara 1:13 AM

    "I cant go a single day without wishing, praying, asking for an opportunity to be with her and there's all these group of people around her that just cant see what I see in her, I see so much and I miss it all"

    Ahora imaginame...por un momento crei controlar todo ese sentimiento llamado celo. Pero se transfroma en algo tan complejo, es como desear ser el mundo y no exponerla.

    Pero que tan justo es creer que en nuestra pequeña e insignificante existencia, se encuentra lo que buscan. Es imposible no tener celos, pero mantenerlos como una razon para luchar y sostener lo que con trabajo se ha logrado, es un merito en esta vida.

    Yo tambien he de sentir en mi un resentimiento con aquellos que no ven las maravillas que mis ojos y corazon ven en ella. Pero por un momento pienso, en que es mejor asi. Sonara del todo egoista, pero prefiero para mi bien ser el unico que descubra sus secretos.

    Mi querido amigo, sigamos deseando, buscando y resando por esa oportunidad, que por un momento "signifiquemos el mundo".