How can I do this to myself again, for someone as far away as her, could she believe in the resolute urgency of what is NOW? What I look for in someone I have found back home, never have I been dissapointed in my returns to that cold, gray beautiful desert plane, for she enjoys the the coudy weather as much as I, as rainy and cold as It can get, we enjoy the melancholic picture of cold grey days.

And of those so very few that came before, she pushes a little bit harder, to go and do things I'm not acostumed to do, and with that fly to some far away place, to spend time, to talk about things that trigger our minds, It can be comfortable, the way I'm used to things, I'm good at them this way.

She's something else though, you couldn't if you saw her, no, not until I talked to her, how excited I am about meeting a girl like that, she's just something else.

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