Maybe it's me but I just realized this.

That night she told me I made her feel "unwanted", "undesired," " that was exactly how I felt late in our relationship when I was constantly rejected.

I'm sorry.

Update, 12:06 A.M.

See? This is what I don't get. Why wasn't she ever like this when we were together? I don't know, probably she's just fucking with me; probably not.

I could say so many mean things right now; things that would make her feel like crap, things I'll regret saying tomorrow when I'm sober and driving to work.

So I'm not. I'm staying quiet. Let her get her fix, if that's what she want. She never got it form me anyways, no matter how hard I tried.

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  1. Michelle 10:10 PM

    We apologize a lot.

    We should stop that.

    I think it's in our nature though.